Transliterate English text using the Greek alphabet

sub to-Greek (Str $string is copy) {
    my %pre =  :Ph<F>, :ck<k>, :ee<h>, :J<I>, :rh<r>,:oo<w>, :ph<f>, :ch<χ>,
               :th<θ>, :ps<ψ>, :Ch<Χ>, :Th<Θ>, :Ps<Ψ>, :kh<χ>, 's ' => 'ς ';
    my %post = :a<α>, :b<β>, :d<δ>, :e<ε>, :f<φ>, :g<γ>, :h<η>, :i<ι>, :j<ι>,
               :k<κ>, :l<λ>, :m<μ>, :n<ν>, :o<ο>, :p<π>, :q<κ>, :r<ρ>, :s<σ>,
               :t<τ>, :u<υ>, :v<β>, :w<ω>, :x<ξ>, :y<υ>, :z<ζ>, :A<Α>, :B<Β>,
               :D<Δ>, :E<Ε>, :F<Φ>, :G<Γ>, :H<Η>, :I<Ι>, :L<Λ>, :M<Μ>, :N<Ν>,
               :O<Ο>, :P<Π>, :Q<Κ>, :R<Ρ>, :S<Σ>, :T<Τ>, :U<Υ>, :W<Ω>, :X<Ξ>,

    $string.=subst(:g, .key, .value ) for flat %pre, %post;

my $text = chomp q:to/ENGLISH/;
    The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
    dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.

    As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
    caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
    laying in my patio.

    sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

say "English:\n\n" ~ $text ~ "\n" ~ '=' x 80;

say "\"Greek\":\n\n" ~ $text.&to-Greek ~ "\n" ~ '=' x 80;

say "Or, to named characters:\n\n$_\n" ~
  .&{ .match(/\W/) ?? $_ !!
      '<' ~ .uniname.subst( /.+<?after LETTER\s>/).lc ~ '>'
  given 'sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.';



The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

I was looking at some rhododendrons in my back garden,
dressed in my khaki shorts, when the telephone rang.

As I answered it, I cheerfully glimpsed that the July sun
caused a fragment of black pine wax to ooze on the velvet quilt
laying in my patio.

sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

Θε κυικ βροων φοξ ιυμπεδ οβερ θε λαζυ δογ.

Ι ωας λωκινγ ατ σομε ροδοδενδρονς ιν μυ βακ γαρδεν,
δρεσσεδ ιν μυ χακι σηορτσ, ωηεν θε τελεφονε ρανγ.

Ας Ι ανσωερεδ ιτ, Ι χηρφυλλυ γλιμψεδ θατ θε Ιυλυ συν
cαυσεδ α φραγμεντ οφ βλακ πινε ωαξ το ωζε ον θε βελβετ κυιλτ
λαυινγ ιν μυ πατιο.

σφινξ οφ βλακ κυαρτζ, ιυδγε μυ βοω.
Or, to named characters:

sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
<sigma><phi><iota><nu><xi> <omicron><phi> <beta><lamda><alpha><kappa> <kappa><upsilon><alpha><rho><tau><zeta>, <iota><upsilon><delta><gamma><epsilon> <mu><upsilon> <beta><omicron><omega>.

Last updated

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