constant %dict = 'unixdict.txt'.IO.lines
.map({ .key => .value.Set });
sub word_ladder ( Str $from, Str $to ) {
die if $from.chars != $to.chars;
my $sized_dict = %dict{$from.chars};
my @workqueue = (($from,),);
my $used = ($from => True).SetHash;
while @workqueue {
my @new_q;
for @workqueue -> @words {
my $last_word = @words.tail;
my @new_tails = gather for 'a' .. 'z' -> $replacement_letter {
for ^$last_word.chars -> $i {
my $new_word = $last_word;
$new_word.substr-rw($i, 1) = $replacement_letter;
next unless $new_word ∈ $sized_dict
and not $new_word ∈ $used;
take $new_word;
$used{$new_word} = True;
return |@words, $new_word if $new_word eq $to;
push @new_q, ( |@words, $_ ) for @new_tails;
@workqueue = @new_q;
for <boy man>, <girl lady>, <john jane>, <child adult> -> ($from, $to) {
say word_ladder($from, $to)
// "$from into $to cannot be done";
(boy bay may man)
(girl gill gall gale gaze laze lazy lady)
(john cohn conn cone cane jane)
child into adult cannot be done
Last updated
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