Sorensen-Dice is very fast to calculate similarities but isn't great for detecting small changes. Levenshtein is great for detecting small changes but isn't very fast.
Get the best of both worlds by doing an initial filter with Sorensen, then get exact results with Levenshtein.
use Text::Levenshtein;
use Text::Sorensen :sorensen;
my @words = grep {.chars > 11}, 'unixdict.txt'.IO.words;
my %bi-grams = { $_ => .&bi-gram };
my %skip = { $_ => 0 };
say (++$).fmt('%2d'), |$_ for -> $this {
next if %skip{$this};
my ($word, @sorensens) = sorensen($this, %bi-grams);
next unless @sorensens.=grep: { 1 > .[0] > .8 };
@sorensens = @sorensens»[1].grep: {$this.chars == .chars};
my @levenshtein = distance($this, @sorensens).grep: * == 1, :k;
next unless +@levenshtein;
%skip{$_}++ for @sorensens[@levenshtein];
": {$this.fmt('%14s')} <-> ", @sorensens[@levenshtein].join: ', ';