Strassen's algorithm

Special thanks go to the module author, Fernando Santagata, on showing how to deal with a pass-by-value case.

# 20210126 Raku programming solution

use Math::Libgsl::Constants;
use Math::Libgsl::Matrix;
use Math::Libgsl::BLAS;
my @M;
sub SQM (\in) { # create custom sq matrix from CSV 
   die "Not a ■" if (my \L = in.split(/\,/)).sqrt != (my \size = L.sqrt.Int);
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix \M .= new: size, size;
   for ^size Z L.rotor(size) -> ($i, @row) { M.set-row: $i, @row } 
sub infix:<⊗>(\x,\y) { # custom multiplication 
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix \z .= new: x.size1, x.size2;
   dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, x, y, 1, z);
sub infix:<⊕>(\x,\y) { # custom addition
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix \z .= new: x.size1, x.size2;
sub infix:<⊖>(\x,\y) { # custom subtraction
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix \z .= new: x.size1, x.size2;
sub Strassen($A, $B) {
   { return $A ⊗ $B } if (my \n = $A.size1) == 1;
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix        ($A11,$A12,$A21,$A22,$B11,$B12,$B21,$B22); 
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix        ($P1,$P2,$P3,$P4,$P5,$P6,$P7);
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix::View  ($mv1,$mv2,$mv3,$mv4,$mv5,$mv6,$mv7,$mv8);
   ($mv1,$mv2,$mv3,$mv4,$mv5,$mv6,$mv7,$mv8)».=new ;

   my \half = n div 2; # dimension of quarter submatrices    

   $A11 = $mv1.submatrix($A, 0,0,       half,half); # 
   $A12 = $mv2.submatrix($A, 0,half,    half,half); #  create quarter views 
   $A21 = $mv3.submatrix($A, half,0,    half,half); #  of operand matrices  
   $A22 = $mv4.submatrix($A, half,half, half,half); # 
   $B11 = $mv5.submatrix($B, 0,0,       half,half); #       11    12 
   $B12 = $mv6.submatrix($B, 0,half,    half,half); # 
   $B21 = $mv7.submatrix($B, half,0,    half,half); #       21    22 
   $B22 = $mv8.submatrix($B, half,half, half,half); # 
   $P1 = Strassen($A12 ⊖ $A22, $B21 ⊕ $B22);
   $P2 = Strassen($A11 ⊕ $A22, $B11 ⊕ $B22);
   $P3 = Strassen($A11 ⊖ $A21, $B11 ⊕ $B12);
   $P4 = Strassen($A11 ⊕ $A12, $B22        );
   $P5 = Strassen($A11,         $B12 ⊖ $B22);
   $P6 = Strassen($A22,         $B21 ⊖ $B11);
   $P7 = Strassen($A21 ⊕ $A22, $B11        );
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix        $C .= new: n, n;               # Build C from
   my Math::Libgsl::Matrix::View  ($mvC11,$mvC12,$mvC21,$mvC22); #    C11 C12
   ($mvC11,$mvC12,$mvC21,$mvC22)».=new ;                         #    C21 C22

   given $mvC11.submatrix($C, 0,0,       half,half) { .add: (($P1 ⊕ $P2) ⊖ $P4) ⊕ $P6 }; 
   given $mvC12.submatrix($C, 0,half,    half,half) { .add:   $P4 ⊕ $P5 };
   given $mvC21.submatrix($C, half,0,    half,half) { .add:   $P6 ⊕ $P7 };
   given $mvC22.submatrix($C, half,half, half,half) { .add: (($P2 ⊖ $P3) ⊕ $P5) ⊖ $P7 };

for $=pod[0].contents { next if /^\n$/ ; @M.append: SQM $_ }
for @M.rotor(2) { 
   my $product = @_[0] ⊗ @_[1];
#   $product.get-row($_)».round(1).fmt('%2d').put for ^$product.size1;
   say "Regular multiply:";
   $product.get-row($_)».fmt('%.10g').put for ^$product.size1;
   $product = Strassen @_[0], @_[1];
   say "Strassen multiply:";
   $product.get-row($_)».fmt('%.10g').put for ^$product.size1;
=begin code   
=end code


Regular multiply:
19 22
43 50
Strassen multiply:
19 22
43 50
Regular multiply:
1 0 -1.387778781e-16 -2.081668171e-17
1.33226763e-15 1 -4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16
0 0 1 0
7.105427358e-15 0 7.105427358e-15 1
Strassen multiply:
1 5.684341886e-14 -2.664535259e-15 -1.110223025e-16
-1.136868377e-13 1 -7.105427358e-15 2.220446049e-15
0 0 1 5.684341886e-14
0 0 -2.273736754e-13 1
Regular multiply:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
Strassen multiply:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

Last updated

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