Equilibrium index

sub equilibrium_index(@list) {
    my ($left,$right) = 0, [+] @list;

    gather for @list.kv -> $i, $x {
        $right -= $x;
        take $i if $left == $right;
        $left += $x;

my @list = -7, 1, 5, 2, -4, 3, 0;
.say for equilibrium_index(@list).grep(/\d/);

And here's an FP solution that manages to remain O(n):

sub equilibrium_index(@list) {
    my @a = [\+] @list;
    my @b = reverse [\+] reverse @list;
    ^@list Zxx (@a »==« @b); 

The [\+] is a reduction that returns a list of partial results. The »==« is a vectorized equality comparison; it returns a vector of true and false. The Zxx is a zip with the list replication operator, so we return only the elements of the left list where the right list is true (which is taken to mean 1 here). And the ^@list is just shorthand for 0 ..^ @list. We could just as easily have used @list.keys there.

Single-pass solution

The task can be restated in a way that removes the "right side" from the calculation.

C is the current element,

L is the sum of elements left of C,

R is the sum of elements right of C,

S is the sum of the entire list.

By definition, L + C + R == S for any choice of C, and L == R for any C that is an equilibrium point.

Therefore (by substituting L for R), L + C + L == S at all equilibrium points.

Restated, 2L + C == S.

# Original example, with expanded calculations:
    0    1    2    3    4    5    6   # Index
   -7    1    5    2   -4    3    0   # C (Value at index)
    0   -7   -6   -1    1   -3    0   # L (Sum of left)
   -7  -13   -7    0   -2   -3    0   # 2L+C

If we build a hash as we walk the list, with 2L+C as hash keys, and arrays of C-indexes as hash values, we get:

     -7 => [ 0, 2 ],
    -13 => [ 1    ],
      0 => [ 3, 6 ],
     -2 => [ 4    ],
     -3 => [ 5    ],

After we have finished walking the list, we will have the sum (S), which we look up in the hash. Here S=0, so the equilibrium points are 3 and 6.

Note: In the code below, it is more convenient to calculate 2L+C *after* L has already been incremented by C; the calculation is simply 2L-C, because each L has an extra C in it. 2(L-C)+C == 2L-C.

sub eq_index ( *@list ) {
    my $sum = 0;

    my %h = @list.keys.classify: {
        $sum += @list[$_];
        $sum * 2 - @list[$_];

    return %h{$sum} // [];

say eq_index < -7  1  5  2 -4  3  0 >; # 3 6
say eq_index <  2  4  6             >; # (no eq point)
say eq_index <  2  9  2             >; # 1
say eq_index <  1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1 >; # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

The .classify method creates a hash, with its code block's return value as key. Each hash value is an Array of all the inputs that returned that key.

We could have used .pairs instead of .keys to save the cost of @list lookups, but that would change each %h value to an Array of Pairs, which would complicate the return line.

Last updated

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