All the important stuff takes place in the NG object. Everything else is helper subs for testing and display. The NG object is capable of working with infinitely long continued fractions, but displaying them can be problematic. You can pass in a limit to the apply method to get a fixed maximum number of terms though. See the last example: 100 terms from the infinite cf (1+√2)/2 and its Rational representation.
class NG {
has ( $!a1, $!a, $!b1, $!b );
submethod BUILD ( :$!a1, :$!a, :$!b1, :$!b ) { }
# Public methods
method new( $a1, $a, $b1, $b ) { self.bless( :$a1, :$a, :$b1, :$b ) }
method apply(@cf, :$limit = Inf) {
(gather {
map { take self!extract unless self!needterm; self!inject($_) }, @cf;
take self!drain until self!done;
})[ ^ $limit ]
# Private methods
method !inject ($n) {
sub xform($n, $x, $y) { $x, $n * $x + $y }
( $!a, $!a1 ) = xform( $n, $!a1, $!a );
( $!b, $!b1 ) = xform( $n, $!b1, $!b );
method !extract {
sub xform($n, $x, $y) { $y, $x - $y * $n }
my $n = $!a div $!b;
($!a, $!b ) = xform( $n, $!a, $!b );
($!a1, $!b1) = xform( $n, $!a1, $!b1 );
method !drain { $!a = $!a1, $!b = $!b1 if self!needterm; self!extract }
method !needterm { so [||] !$!b, !$!b1, $!a/$!b != $!a1/$!b1 }
method !done { not [||] $!b, $!b1 }
sub r2cf(Rat $x is copy) { # Rational to continued fraction
gather loop {
$x -= take $x.floor;
last if !$x;
$x = 1 / $x;
sub cf2r(@a) { # continued fraction to Rational
my $x = @a[* - 1]; # Use FatRats for arbitrary precision
$x = ( @a[$_- 1] + 1 / $x ).FatRat for reverse 1 ..^ @a;
sub ppcf(@cf) { # format continued fraction for pretty printing
"[{ @cf.join(',').subst(',',';') }]"
sub pprat($a) { # format Rational for pretty printing
# Use FatRats for arbitrary precision
$a.FatRat.denominator == 1 ?? $a !! $a.FatRat.nude.join('/')
sub test_NG ($rat, @ng, $op) {
my @cf = $rat.Rat(1e-18).&r2cf;
my @op = |@ng ).apply( @cf );
say $rat.raku, ' as a cf: ', @cf.&ppcf, " $op = ",
@op.&ppcf, "\tor ", @op.&cf2r.&pprat, "\n";
# Testing
test_NG(|$_) for (
[ 13/11, [<2 1 0 2>], '+ 1/2 ' ],
[ 22/7, [<2 1 0 2>], '+ 1/2 ' ],
[ 22/7, [<1 0 0 4>], '/ 4 ' ],
[ 22/7, [<7 0 0 22>], '* 7/22 ' ],
[ 2**.5, [<1 1 0 2>], "\n(1+√2)/2 (approximately)" ]
say '100 terms of (1+√2)/2 as a continued fraction and as a rational value:';
my @continued-fraction = 1,1,0,2 ).apply( (lazy flat 1, 2 xx * ), limit => 100 );
say @continued-fraction.&ppcf.comb(/ . ** 1..80/).join("\n");
say @continued-fraction.&cf2r.&pprat;
<13/11> as a cf: [1;5,2] + 1/2 = [1;1,2,7] or 37/22
<22/7> as a cf: [3;7] + 1/2 = [3;1,1,1,4] or 51/14
<22/7> as a cf: [3;7] / 4 = [0;1,3,1,2] or 11/14
<22/7> as a cf: [3;7] * 7/22 = [1] or 1
1.4142135623731e0 as a cf: [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]
(1+√2)/2 (approximately) = [1;4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4] or 225058681/186444716
100 terms of (1+√2)/2 and its rational value