This version that precalculates the values for base 1000 digits, but despite the extra work ends up taking more wall-clock time than the simpler version.
sub kigits($n) {
my int $i = $n;
my int $b = 1000;
gather while $i {
take $i % $b;
$i = $i div $b;
for (1..*) -> $d {
my @t = 0..9 X** $d;
my @table = @t X+ @t X+ @t;
sub is-narcissistic(\n) { n == [+] @table[kigits(n)] };
state $l = 2;
FIRST say "1\t0";
say $l++, "\t", $_ if .&is-narcissistic for 10**($d-1) ..^ 10**$d;
last if $l > 25