For the incomplete gamma function we use a series expansion related to Kummer's confluent hypergeometric function (see ). The gamma function is calculated in closed form, as we only need its value at integers and half integers.
sub incomplete-γ-series($s, $z) {
my \numers = $z X** 1..*;
my \denoms = [\*] $s X+ 1..*;
my $M = 1 + [+] (numers Z/ denoms) ... * < 1e-6;
$z**$s / $s * exp(-$z) * $M;
sub postfix:<!>(Int $n) { [*] 2..$n }
sub Γ-of-half(Int $n where * > 0) {
($n %% 2) ?? (($_-1)! given $n div 2)
!! ((2*$_)! / (4**$_ * $_!) * sqrt(pi) given ($n-1) div 2);
# degrees of freedom constrained due to numerical limitations
sub chi-squared-cdf(Int $k where 1..200, $x where * >= 0) {
my $f = $k < 20 ?? 20 !! 10;
given $x {
when 0 { 0.0 }
when * < $k + $f*sqrt($k) { incomplete-γ-series($k/2, $x/2) / Γ-of-half($k) }
default { 1.0 }
sub chi-squared-test(@bins, :$significance = 0.05) {
my $n = +@bins;
my $N = [+] @bins;
my $expected = $N / $n;
my $chi-squared = [+] { ($^bin - $expected)**2 / $expected }
my $p-value = 1 - chi-squared-cdf($n-1, $chi-squared);
return (:$chi-squared, :$p-value, :uniform($p-value > $significance));
for [< 199809 200665 199607 200270 199649 >],
[< 522573 244456 139979 71531 21461 >]
-> $dataset
my %t = chi-squared-test($dataset);
say 'data: ', $dataset;
say "χ² = {%t<chi-squared>}, p-value = {%t<p-value>.fmt('%.4f')}, uniform = {%t<uniform>}";