For the incomplete gamma function we use a series expansion related to Kummer's confluent hypergeometric function (see The gamma function is calculated in closed form, as we only need its value at integers and half integers.
sub incomplete-γ-series($s, $z) {
my \numers = $z X** 1..*;
my \denoms = [\*] $s X+ 1..*;
my $M = 1 + [+] (numers Z/ denoms) ... * < 1e-6;
$z**$s / $s * exp(-$z) * $M;
sub postfix:<!>(Int $n) { [*] 2..$n }
sub Γ-of-half(Int $n where * > 0) {
($n %% 2) ?? (($_-1)! given $n div 2)
!! ((2*$_)! / (4**$_ * $_!) * sqrt(pi) given ($n-1) div 2);
# degrees of freedom constrained due to numerical limitations
sub chi-squared-cdf(Int $k where 1..200, $x where * >= 0) {
my $f = $k < 20 ?? 20 !! 10;
given $x {
when 0 { 0.0 }
when * < $k + $f*sqrt($k) { incomplete-γ-series($k/2, $x/2) / Γ-of-half($k) }
default { 1.0 }
sub chi-squared-test(@bins, :$significance = 0.05) {
my $n = +@bins;
my $N = [+] @bins;
my $expected = $N / $n;
my $chi-squared = [+] { ($^bin - $expected)**2 / $expected }
my $p-value = 1 - chi-squared-cdf($n-1, $chi-squared);
return (:$chi-squared, :$p-value, :uniform($p-value > $significance));
for [< 199809 200665 199607 200270 199649 >],
[< 522573 244456 139979 71531 21461 >]
-> $dataset
my %t = chi-squared-test($dataset);
say 'data: ', $dataset;
say "χ² = {%t<chi-squared>}, p-value = {%t<p-value>.fmt('%.4f')}, uniform = {%t<uniform>}";