In large part due to the complete lack of specification, reference implementation, or guidance from the task creator, came up with my own bespoke synthetic word list.
Words always consist of a series of consonant/vowel pairs. Uses a cut down alphabet to reduce possible confusion from overlapping pronunciation.
Some letters with overlapping pronunciation are removed: c: confusable with k or s, g: overlaps with j, x: overlaps with z, q: just because, v: similar to w and we have way more than enough characters anyway.
As it is, with this alphabet we can form 512000 different 6 character "words"; 28126 is a drop in the bucket. To spread out the the words a bit, add a bit of randomness. 28126 fits into 512000 18 and a bit times. Add a random multiple of 28126 to the encoder then modulus it back out on decode. Will get different results on different runs.
We don't bother to pre-calculate and store the words, just generate them on the fly.
Official pronunciation guide:
my @synth = flat < b d f h j k l m n p r s t w y z > X~ < a e i o u >;
my %htnys = @synth.antipairs;
my $exp = @synth.elems;
sub synth (Int $v) { @synth[($v + (^18).pick * 28126).polymod($exp xx *).reverse || 0].join }
sub thnys (Str $v) { (sum %htnys{$v.comb(2).reverse} Z* 1, $exp, $exp**2) % 28126 }
sub w-encode ( Rat(Real) $lat, Rat(Real) $lon, :&f = &synth ) {
$_ = (($lat + 90) * 10000).round.fmt('%021b') ~ (($lon + 180) * 10000).round.fmt('%022b');
(:2(.substr(0,15)), :2(.substr(15,14)),:2(.substr(29)))».&f
sub w-decode ( *@words, :&f = &thnys ) {
my $bin = (@words».&f Z, <0 1 1>).map({.[0].fmt('%015b').substr(.[1])}).join;
(:2($bin.substr(0,21))/10000) - 90, (:2($bin.substr(21))/10000) - 180
for 51.4337, -0.2141, # Wimbledon
21.2596,-157.8117, # Diamond Head crater
-55.9652, -67.2256, # Monumento Cabo De Hornos
59.3586, 24.7447, # Lake Raku
29.2021, 81.5324, # Village Raku
-7.1662, 53.9470, # The Indian ocean, south west of Seychelles
28.3852, -81.5638 # Walt Disney World
-> $lat, $lon {
my @words = w-encode $lat, $lon;
my @index = w-encode $lat, $lon, :f( { $_ } );
printf "Coordinates: %s, %s\n To Index: %s\n To 3-word: %s\nFrom 3-word: %s, %s\n From Index: %s, %s\n\n",
$lat, $lon, @index.Str, @words.Str, w-decode(@words), w-decode @index, :f( { $_ } );
Coordinates: 51.4337, -0.2141
To Index: 22099 365 12003
To 3-word: zofobe fohujo habute
From 3-word: 51.4337, -0.2141
From Index: 51.4337, -0.2141
Coordinates: 21.2596, -157.8117
To Index: 17384 5133 8891
To 3-word: nijemo zanaza fupawu
From 3-word: 21.2596, -157.8117
From Index: 21.2596, -157.8117
Coordinates: -55.9652, -67.2256
To Index: 5317 15428 13632
To 3-word: zanohu julaso husese
From 3-word: -55.9652, -67.2256
From Index: -55.9652, -67.2256
Coordinates: 59.3586, 24.7447
To Index: 23337 4732 15831
To 3-word: kapupi hokame supoku
From 3-word: 59.3586, 24.7447
From Index: 59.3586, 24.7447
Coordinates: 29.2021, 81.5324
To Index: 18625 5535 10268
To 3-word: dijule nutuza nefini
From 3-word: 29.2021, 81.5324
From Index: 29.2021, 81.5324
Coordinates: -7.1662, 53.947
To Index: 12942 12942 12942
To 3-word: rakudo rakudo rakudo
From 3-word: -7.1662, 53.947
From Index: -7.1662, 53.947
Coordinates: 28.3852, -81.5638
To Index: 18497 11324 1322
To 3-word: tabesa nekaso bupodo
From 3-word: 28.3852, -81.5638
From Index: 28.3852, -81.5638
(Ok, I admit I manipulated that second to last one, but it is a correct and valid 3-word location in this implementation. There is less than 1 chance in 5000 that it will produce that specific word group though.)
A thought experiment
A little thought experiment... Latitude, longitude to four decimal places is accurate to about 11.1 meters at the equator, smaller the further from the equator you get. What would it take to support five decimal places? (Accurate to 1.11 meters.)
So we need 26 bits to cover 360.00000; half of that for 180.00000, or 26 bits + 25 bits == 51 bits. 51 / 3 == 17. 2**17 == 131072 indices. The previous synthetics routine provides much more than enough.
How many sylabics will we need to minimally cover it?
∛131072 == 50.7968...
So at least 51. The synthetics routine provide sylabics in blocks of 5, so we would need at least 11 consonants.
Capriciously and somewhat randomly cutting down the list we arrive at this.
10 times better accuracy in the same three, 6-letter word space.
my @synth = flat < b d f j k n p r s t w > X~ < a e i o u >;
my %htnys = @synth.antipairs;
my $exp = @synth.elems;
my $prec = 100_000;
sub synth (Int $v) { @synth[$v.polymod($exp xx *).reverse || 0].join }
sub thnys (Str $v) { sum %htnys{$v.comb(2).reverse} Z× 1, $exp, $exp² }
sub w-encode ( Rat(Real) $lat, Rat(Real) $lon, :&f = &synth ) {
$_ = (($lat + 90) × $prec).round.fmt('%025b') ~ (($lon + 180) × $prec).round.fmt('%026b');
(:2(.substr(0,17)), :2(.substr(17,17)), :2(.substr(34)))».&f
sub w-decode ( *@words, :&f = &thnys ) {
my $bin = @words».&{.fmt('%017b')}).join;
(:2($bin.substr(0,25))/$prec) - 90, (:2($bin.substr(25))/$prec) - 180
for 51.43372, -0.21412, # Wimbledon center court
21.25976,-157.81173, # Diamond Head summit
-55.96525, -67.22557, # Monumento Cabo De Hornos
28.3852, -81.5638, # Walt Disney World
89.99999, 179.99999, # test some
-89.99999,-179.99999 # extremes
-> $lat, $lon {
my @words = w-encode $lat, $lon;
printf "Coordinates: %s, %s\n To Index: %s\n To 3-word: %s\nFrom 3-word: %s, %s\n\n",
$lat, $lon, w-encode($lat, $lon, :f({$_})).Str, @words.Str, w-decode(@words);
Coordinates: 51.43372, -0.21412
To Index: 55247 71817 21724
To 3-word: jofuni kosasi diduwu
From 3-word: 51.43372, -0.21412
Coordinates: 21.25976, -157.81173
To Index: 43460 110608 121675
To 3-word: fukafa repebo safija
From 3-word: 21.25976, -157.81173
Coordinates: -55.96525, -67.22557
To Index: 13294 108118 5251
To 3-word: bukeru rasaso besane
From 3-word: -55.96525, -67.22557
Coordinates: 28.3852, -81.5638
To Index: 46244 28747 13220
To 3-word: jajasu duniri bukaka
From 3-word: 28.3852, -81.5638
Coordinates: 89.99999, 179.99999
To Index: 70312 65298 86271
To 3-word: kofoki kepifo nonope
From 3-word: 89.99999, 179.99999
Coordinates: -89.99999, -179.99999
To Index: 0 512 1
To 3-word: ba duji be
From 3-word: -89.99999, -179.99999