
Raku doesn't currently provide a proper mechanism for deep copies, but depending on your requirements you could use one of these work-arounds:

1) Use .deepmap(*.clone):

.deepmap constructs a copy of the data structure, and .clone makes a shallow copy of each leaf node. Limitations:

my %x = foo => 0, bar => [0, 1];
my %y = %x.deepmap(*.clone);

say %x;
say %y;


{bar => [0 2], foo => 0}
{bar => [0 1], foo => 0}

2) Use .raku.EVAL:

.raku serializes the data structure to Raku code, and .EVAL deserializes it. Limitations:

my %x = foo => 0, bar => [0, 1];
my %y = %x.raku.EVAL;

say %x;
say %y;


{bar => [0 2], foo => 0}
{bar => [0 1], foo => 0}

Last updated

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