Starting a web browser
Uses the code from the Separate the house number from the street name task almost verbatim. Included here to make a complete, runnable example.
use File::Temp;
my $addresses = qq :to /END/;
Plataanstraat 5
Straat 12
Straat 12 II
Dr. J. Straat 12
Dr. J. Straat 12 a
Dr. J. Straat 12-14
Laan 1940 – 1945 37
Plein 1940 2
1213-laan 11
16 april 1944 Pad 1
1e Kruisweg 36
Laan 1940-’45 66
Laan ’40-’45
Langeloërduinen 3 46
Marienwaerdt 2e Dreef 2
Provincialeweg N205 1
Rivium 2e Straat 59.
Nieuwe gracht 20rd
Nieuwe gracht 20rd 2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw /2
Nieuwe gracht 20zw/3
Nieuwe gracht 20 zw/4
Bahnhofstr. 4
Wertstr. 10
Lindenhof 1
Nordesch 20
Weilstr. 6
Harthauer Weg 2
Mainaustr. 49
August-Horch-Str. 3
Marktplatz 31
Schmidener Weg 3
Karl-Weysser-Str. 6
my @row-color = '#d7fffe', '#9dbcd4';
# build the table
sub genTable () {
my $table = '<table border="2"> <tr bgcolor="#02ccfe">' ~
qq|<th>Address</th><th>Street</th><th>House Number</th>\n|;
my $i = 0;
for $addresses.lines -> $addr {
$table ~= qq|<tr bgcolor="{@row-color[$i++ % 2]}"><td>{$addr}</td>|;
$addr ~~ m[
( .*? )
| \d+ [ \- | \/ ] \d+
| <!before 1940 | 1945> \d+ <[ a..z I . / \x20 ]>* \d*
quietly $table ~= qq|<td>{$0.Str}</td><td>{$1.Str||''}</td></tr>\n|;
$table ~ '</table>';
# generate the page content
sub content {
qq :to /END/;
<title>Rosetta Code - Start a Web Browser</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body bgcolor="#d8dcd6">
<p align="center">
<font face="Arial, sans-serif" size="5">Split the house number from the street name</font>
<p align="center">
{ genTable }
# Use a temporary file name and file handle
my ($fn, $fh) = tempfile :suffix('.html');
# dump the content to the file
$fh.spurt: content;
# use appropriate command for Windows or X11
# other OSs/WMs may need different invocation
my $command = $* ?? "start $fn" !! "xdg-open $fn";
# start the browser
shell $command;
# wait for a bit to give browser time to load before destroying temp file
sleep 5;
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