A* search algorithm
# 20200427 Raku programming solution
class AStarGraph {
has @.barriers =
<2 4>,<2 5>,<2 6>,<3 6>,<4 6>,<5 6>,<5 5>,<5 4>,<5 3>,<5 2>,<4 2>,<3 2>;
method heuristic(\start, \goal) {
my (\D1,\D2) = 1, 1;
my (\dx,\dy) = ( start.list »-« goal.list )».abs;
return (D1 * (dx + dy)) + (D2 - 2*D1) * min dx, dy
method get_vertex_neighbours(\pos) {
gather {
for <1 0>,<-1 0>,<0 1>,<0 -1>,<1 1>,<-1 1>,<1 -1>,<-1 -1> -> \d {
my (\x2,\y2) = pos.list »+« d.list;
(x2 < 0 || x2 > 7 || y2 < 0 || y2 > 7) && next;
take x2, y2;
method move_cost(\a,\b) { (b ~~ any self.barriers) ?? 100 !! 1 }
sub AStarSearch(\start, \end, \graph) {
my (%G,%F);
%G{start.Str} = 0;
%F{start.Str} = graph.heuristic(start, end);
my @closedVertices = [];
my @openVertices = [].push(start);
my %cameFrom;
while (@openVertices.Bool) {
my $current = Nil; my $currentFscore = Inf;
for @openVertices -> \pos {
if (%F{pos.Str} < $currentFscore) {
$currentFscore = %F{pos.Str};
$current = pos
if $current ~~ end {
my @path = [].push($current);
while %cameFrom{$current.Str}:exists {
$current = %cameFrom{$current.Str};
return @path.reverse, %F{end.Str}
@openVertices .= grep: * !eqv $current;
for (graph.get_vertex_neighbours($current)) -> \neighbour {
next if neighbour ~~ any @closedVertices;
my \candidateG = %G{$current.Str}+graph.move_cost($current,neighbour);
if !(neighbour ~~ any @openVertices) {
} elsif (candidateG ≥ %G{neighbour.Str}) {
%cameFrom{neighbour.Str} = $current;
%G{neighbour.Str} = candidateG;
my \H = graph.heuristic(neighbour, end);
%F{neighbour.Str} = %G{neighbour.Str} + H;
die "A* failed to find a solution"
my \graph = AStarGraph.new;
my (\route, \cost) = AStarSearch(<0 0>, <7 7>, graph);
my \w = my \h = 10;
my @grid = [ ['.' xx w ] xx h ];
for ^h -> \y { @grid[y;0] = "█"; @grid[y;*-1] = "█" }
for ^w -> \x { @grid[0;x] = "█"; @grid[*-1;x] = "█" }
for (graph.barriers) -> \d { @grid[d[0]+1][d[1]+1] = "█" }
for @(route) -> \d { @grid[d[0]+1][d[1]+1] = "x" }
.join.say for @grid ;
say "Path cost : ", cost, " and route : ", route;
Path cost : 11 and route : ((0 0) (1 1) (2 2) (3 1) (4 1) (5 1) (6 2) (6 3) (6 4) (6 5) (6 6) (7 7))
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