LZW compression
I just came across this SO question by chance hence the update. Notably the ancestor Perl entry simply works without any further tweak.
# 20200421 Updated Raku programming solution ; add unicode support
sub compress(Str $uncompressed --> Seq) {
my $dict-size = 256;
my %dictionary = (.chr => .chr for ^$dict-size);
my $w = "";
gather {
for $uncompressed.encode('utf8').list.chrs.comb -> $c {
my $wc = $w ~ $c;
if %dictionary{$wc}:exists { $w = $wc }
else {
take %dictionary{$w};
%dictionary{$wc} = +%dictionary;
$w = $c;
take %dictionary{$w} if $w.chars;
sub decompress(@compressed --> Str) {
my $dict-size = 256;
my %dictionary = (.chr => .chr for ^$dict-size);
my $w = shift @compressed;
( Blob.new: flat ( gather {
take $w;
for @compressed -> $k {
my $entry;
if %dictionary{$k}:exists { take $entry = %dictionary{$k} }
elsif $k == $dict-size { take $entry = $w ~ $w.substr(0,1) }
else { die "Bad compressed k: $k" }
%dictionary{$dict-size++} = $w ~ $entry.substr(0,1);
$w = $entry;
} )».ords ).decode('utf-8')
say my @compressed = compress('TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT');
say decompress(@compressed);
@compressed = compress('こんにちは𝒳𝒴𝒵こんにちは𝒳𝒴𝒵こんにちは𝒳𝒴𝒵');
say decompress(@compressed);
[T O B E O R N O T 256 258 260 265 259 261 263]
Last updated
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