enum Prize <Car Goat>;
enum Strategy <Stay Switch>;
sub play (Strategy $strategy, Int :$doors = 3) returns Prize {
# Call the door with a car behind it door 0. Number the
# remaining doors starting from 1.
my Prize @doors = flat Car, Goat xx $doors - 1;
# The player chooses a door.
my Prize $initial_pick = @doors.splice(@doors.keys.pick,1)[0];
# Of the n doors remaining, the host chooses n - 1 that have
# goats behind them and opens them, removing them from play.
while @doors > 1 {
when Goat
given @doors.keys.pick;
# If the player stays, they get their initial pick. Otherwise,
# they get whatever's behind the remaining door.
return $strategy === Stay ?? $initial_pick !! @doors[0];
constant TRIALS = 10_000;
for 3, 10 -> $doors {
my atomicint @wins[2];
say "With $doors doors: ";
for Stay, 'Staying', Switch, 'Switching' -> $s, $name {
(^TRIALS).race.map: {
@wins[$s]⚛++ if play($s, doors => $doors) == Car;
say " $name wins ",
round(100*@wins[$s] / TRIALS),
'% of the time.'
With 3 doors:
Staying wins 34% of the time.
Switching wins 66% of the time.
With 10 doors:
Staying wins 10% of the time.
Switching wins 90% of the time.