Sort the letters of string in alphabetical order

Semi-realistic version

sub sort_within_string ( $_ is copy ) {
    constant @lexographic_order = sort *.fc, map &chr, 1..255;

    return join '', gather for @lexographic_order -> $l {
        my $count = s:g/$l//;
        take $l x $count;
        LAST { warn "Original string had non-ASCII chars: {.raku}" if .chars }
say trim .&sort_within_string for q:to/END/.lines;
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, apparently
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.



Following the actual task title / description

Following a strict interpretation of the actual task title and description.

Sorted output is wrapped in double guillemots to make it easier to see where it starts and ends.

sub moronic-sort ($string is copy) {
    my $chars = $string.chars;
    loop {
        for ^$chars {
            if ($string.substr($_, 1).fc gt $string.substr($_ + 1, 1).fc and $string.substr($_ + 1, 1) ~~ /<:L>/)
               or $string.substr($_, 1) ~~ /<:!L>/ {
                $string = $string.substr(0, $_) ~ $string.substr($_ , 2).flip ~ $string.substr($_ + 2 min $chars);
        last if $++ >= $chars;

sub wrap ($whatever) { '»»' ~ $whatever ~ '««' }

# Test sort the exact string as specified in the task title.
say "moronic-sort 'string'\n" ~ wrap moronic-sort 'string';

# Other tests demonstrating the extent of the stupidity of this task.
say "\nLonger test sentence\n" ~ 
wrap moronic-sort q[This is a moronic sort. It's only concerned with sorting letters, so everything else is pretty much ignored / pushed to the end. It also doesn't much care about letter case, so there is no upper / lower case differentiation.];

say "\nExtended test string:\n" ~ my $test = (32..126)».chr.pick(*).join;
say wrap moronic-sort $test;


moronic-sort 'string'

Longer test sentence
»»aaaaaaabccccccccddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffggghhhhhhhhiiiIiiiiiIiiiillllllmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooopppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssTtttttttttttttttttttuuuuuvwwyyy    ,      /   .    . '     ,        /    .   ' ««

Extended test string:
!kjyxAa+,LGh_8?3lXEwW-D]Ku|SY[@VF\.op{=q>MT 1tJ/$nN(Z*%&9^v57")`PCiOHQe'RUb<gs;6}#cfmrzd42B~0I:
»»AabBCcDdEeFfGghHiIjJkKLlMmnNoOpPqQRrSsTtuUVvwWxXyYZz[@\.{=> 1/$(*%&9^57")`'<;6}#42~0:!+,_8?3-]|««

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