XXXX redacted

sub redact ( Str $str, Str $redact, :i(:$insensitive) = False, :p(:$partial) = False, :o(:$overkill) = False ) {
    my $rx =
        $insensitive ??
            $partial ??
           $overkill ?? rx/:i <?after ^ | <:Po> | \s > (<[\w<:!Po>-]>*? [\w*\']? $redact [\w*\'\w+]? \S*?) <?before $ | <:Po> | \s > / #'
                     !! rx/:i ($redact) /
                     !! rx/:i <?after ^ | [\s<:Po>] | \s > ($redact) <?before $ | <:Po> | \s > /
            $partial ??
           $overkill ?? rx/ <?after ^ | <:Po> | \s > (<[\w<:!Po>-]>*? [\w*\']? $redact [\w*\'\w+]? \S*?) <?before $ | <:Po> | \s > / #'
                     !! rx/ ($redact) /
                     !! rx/ <?after ^ | [\s<:Po>] | \s > ($redact) <?before $ | <:Po> | \s > /
    $str.subst( $rx, {'X' x $0.chars}, :g )

my %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS = :named-anywhere;

# Operate on a given file with the given parameters
multi MAIN (
    Str $file,    #= File name with path
    Str $target,  #= Redact target text string
    :$i = False,  #= Case insensitive flag
    :$p = False,  #= Partial words flag
    :$o = False   #= Overkill flag
  ) { put $file.IO.slurp.&redact( $target, :i($i), :p($p), :o($o) ) }

# Operate on the internal strings / parameters
multi MAIN () {


    my $test = q:to/END/;
        Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
        'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

    for 'Tom', 'tom', 't' -> $redact {
        say "\nRedact '$redact':";
        for '[w|s|n]', $redact, {},
            '[w|i|n]', $redact, {:i},
            '[p|s|n]', $redact, {:p},
            '[p|i|n]', $redact, {:p, :i},
            '[p|s|o]', $redact, {:p, :o},
            '[p|i|o]', $redact, {:p, :i, :o}
        -> $option, $str, %opts { printf "%s %s\n", $option, $test.&redact($str, |%opts) }

    my $emoji = '🧑 👨 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦';
    printf "%20s %s\n", '', $emoji;
    printf "%20s %s\n", "Redact '👨' [w]", $emoji.&redact('👨');
    printf "%20s %s\n", "Redact '👨‍👩‍👦' [w]", $emoji.&redact('👨‍👩‍👦');

    # Even more complicated Unicode

    $emoji = 'Argentina🧑🇦🇹  France👨🇫🇷  Germany🧔🇩🇪  Netherlands👨‍👩‍👦🇳🇱';
    printf "\n%20s %s\n", '', $emoji;
    printf "%20s %s\n", "Redact '👨' [p]", $emoji.&redact('👨', :p);
    printf "%20s %s\n", "Redact '👨‍👩‍👦' [p]", $emoji.&redact('👨‍👩‍👦', :p);
    printf "%20s %s\n", "Redact '👨' [p|o]", $emoji.&redact('👨', :p, :o);
    printf "%20s %s\n", "Redact '👨‍👩‍👦' [p|o]", $emoji.&redact('👨‍👩‍👦', :p, :o);


Redact 'Tom':
[w|s|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[w|i|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[p|s|n] XXX? XXXs bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXX-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[p|i|n] XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
'Tis very XXXish, don't you think?

[p|s|o] XXX? XXXX bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
'Tis very XXXXXX, don't you think?

Redact 'tom':
[w|s|n] Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[w|i|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[p|s|n] Tom? Toms botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "Tom-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
'Tis very XXXish, don't you think?

[p|i|n] XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
'Tis very XXXish, don't you think?

[p|s|o] Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
'Tis very XXXXXX, don't you think?

[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
'Tis very XXXXXX, don't you think?

Redact 't':
[w|s|n] Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[w|i|n] Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
'Tis very tomish, don't you think?

[p|s|n] Tom? Toms boXXom XomaXo is in his sXomach while playing Xhe "Tom-Xom" brand Xom-Xoms. ThaX's so Xom.
'Tis very Xomish, don'X you Xhink?

[p|i|n] Xom? Xoms boXXom XomaXo is in his sXomach while playing Xhe "Xom-Xom" brand Xom-Xoms. XhaX's so Xom.
'Xis very Xomish, don'X you Xhink?

[p|s|o] Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing XXX "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. XXXXXX so XXX.
'Tis very XXXXXX, XXXXX you XXXXX?

[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing XXX "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. XXXXXX so XXX.

                     🧑 👨 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦
      Redact '👨' [w] 🧑 X 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦
      Redact '👨‍👩‍👦' [w] 🧑 👨 🧔 X

                     Argentina🧑🇦🇹  France👨🇫🇷  Germany🧔🇩🇪  Netherlands👨‍👩‍👦🇳🇱
      Redact '👨' [p] Argentina🧑🇦🇹  FranceX🇫🇷  Germany🧔🇩🇪  Netherlands👨‍👩‍👦🇳🇱
      Redact '👨‍👩‍👦' [p] Argentina🧑🇦🇹  France👨🇫🇷  Germany🧔🇩🇪  NetherlandsX🇳🇱
    Redact '👨' [p|o] Argentina🧑🇦🇹  XXXXXXXX  Germany🧔🇩🇪  Netherlands👨‍👩‍👦🇳🇱
    Redact '👨‍👩‍👦' [p|o] Argentina🧑🇦🇹  France👨🇫🇷  Germany🧔🇩🇪  XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Last updated

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