Consecutive primes with ascending or descending differences
use Math::Primesieve;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers;
my $sieve =;
my $limit = 1000000;
my @primes = $sieve.primes($limit);
sub runs (&op) {
my $diff = 1;
my $run = 1;
my @diff = flat 1, (1..^@primes).map: {
my $next = @primes[$_] - @primes[$_ - 1];
if &op($next, $diff) { ++$run } else { $run = 1 }
$diff = $next;
my $max = max @diff;
my @runs = @diff.grep: * == $max, :k; {
my @run = (0..$max) -> $r { @primes[$_ - $r] }
flat roundrobin(@run».&comma, @run.rotor(2 => -1).map({[R-] $_})».fmt('(%d)'));
} ).join: "\n"
say "Longest run(s) of ascending prime gaps up to {comma $limit}:\n" ~ runs(&infix:«>»);
say "\nLongest run(s) of descending prime gaps up to {comma $limit}:\n" ~ runs(&infix:«<»);
Longest run(s) of ascending prime gaps up to 1,000,000:
128,981 (2) 128,983 (4) 128,987 (6) 128,993 (8) 129,001 (10) 129,011 (12) 129,023 (14) 129,037
402,581 (2) 402,583 (4) 402,587 (6) 402,593 (8) 402,601 (12) 402,613 (18) 402,631 (60) 402,691
665,111 (2) 665,113 (4) 665,117 (6) 665,123 (8) 665,131 (10) 665,141 (12) 665,153 (24) 665,177
Longest run(s) of descending prime gaps up to 1,000,000:
322,171 (22) 322,193 (20) 322,213 (16) 322,229 (8) 322,237 (6) 322,243 (4) 322,247 (2) 322,249
752,207 (44) 752,251 (12) 752,263 (10) 752,273 (8) 752,281 (6) 752,287 (4) 752,291 (2) 752,293
Last updated
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