Counting only, same algorithm as the C solution with some refactorings.
Note how lexical scoping — rather than global variables or repeated arguments — is used to pass down information to subroutines.
sub count-unrooted-trees(Int $max-branches, Int $max-weight) {
my @rooted = flat 1,1,0 xx $max-weight - 1;
my @unrooted = flat 1,1,0 xx $max-weight - 1;
sub count-trees-with-centroid(Int $radius) {
sub add-branches(
Int $branches, # number of branches to add
Int $w, # weight of heaviest branch to add
Int $weight is copy, # accumulated weight of tree
Int $choices is copy, # number of choices so far
) {
$choices *= @rooted[$w];
for 1 .. $branches -> $b {
($weight += $w) <= $max-weight or last;
@unrooted[$weight] += $choices if $weight > 2*$radius;
if $b < $branches {
@rooted[$weight] += $choices;
add-branches($branches - $b, $_, $weight, $choices) for 1 ..^ $w;
$choices = $choices * (@rooted[$w] + $b) div ($b + 1);
add-branches($max-branches, $radius, 1, 1);
sub count-trees-with-bicentroid(Int $weight) {
if $weight %% 2 {
my \halfs = @rooted[$weight div 2];
@unrooted[$weight] += (halfs * (halfs + 1)) div 2;
gather {
take 1;
for 1 .. $max-weight {
take @unrooted[$_];
my constant N = 100;
my @paraffins = count-unrooted-trees(4, N);
say .fmt('%3d'), ': ', @paraffins[$_] for flat 1 .. 30, N;
1: 1
2: 1
3: 1
4: 2
5: 3
6: 5
7: 9
8: 18
9: 35
10: 75
11: 159
12: 355
13: 802
14: 1858
15: 4347
16: 10359
17: 24894
18: 60523
19: 148284
20: 366319
21: 910726
22: 2278658
23: 5731580
24: 14490245
25: 36797588
26: 93839412
27: 240215803
28: 617105614
29: 1590507121
30: 4111846763
100: 5921072038125809849884993369103538010139
Last updated
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