module EC {
our ($A, $B) = (0, 7);
our class Point {
has ($.x, $.y);
multi method new(
$x, $y where $y**2 == $x**3 + $A*$x + $B
) { samewith :$x, :$y }
multi method gist { "EC Point at x=$.x, y=$.y" }
multi method gist(::?CLASS:U:) { 'Point at horizon' }
multi prefix:<->(Point $p) is export { x => $p.x, y => -$p.y }
multi prefix:<->(Point:U) is export { Point }
multi infix:<->(Point $a, Point $b) is export { $a + -$b }
multi infix:<+>(Point:U $, Point $p) is export { $p }
multi infix:<+>(Point $p, Point:U) is export { $p }
multi infix:<*>(Point $u, Int $n) is export { $n * $u }
multi infix:<*>(Int $n, Point:U) is export { Point }
multi infix:<*>(0, Point) is export { Point }
multi infix:<*>(1, Point $p) is export { $p }
multi infix:<*>(2, Point $p) is export {
my $l = (3*$p.x**2 + $A) / (2 *$p.y);
my $y = $l*($p.x - my $x = $l**2 - 2*$p.x) - $p.y;
$$x, :$y);
multi infix:<*>(Int $n where $n > 2, Point $p) is export {
2 * ($n div 2 * $p) + $n % 2 * $p;
multi infix:<+>(Point $p, Point $q) is export {
if $p.x ~~ $q.x {
return $p.y ~~ $q.y ?? 2 * $p !! Point;
else {
my $slope = ($q.y - $p.y) / ($q.x - $p.x);
my $y = $slope*($p.x - my $x = $slope**2 - $p.x - $q.x) - $p.y;
return $$x, :$y);
import EC;
say my $p = x => $_, y => sqrt(abs($_**3 + $EC::A*$_ + $EC::B)) given 1;
say my $q = x => $_, y => sqrt(abs($_**3 + $EC::A*$_ + $EC::B)) given 2;
say my $s = $p + $q;
use Test;
is abs(($p.x - $q.x)*(-$s.y - $q.y) - ($p.y - $q.y)*($s.x - $q.x)), 0, "S, P and Q are aligned";
EC Point at x=1, y=2.8284271247461903
EC Point at x=2, y=3.872983346207417
EC Point at x=-1.9089023002066448, y=0.21008487055753378
ok 1 - S, P and Q are aligned
Last updated
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