Vote for deletion: trivial. But if we gotta keep it, at least make it slightly interesting.
for 1..5 {
my $max = exp $_, 10;
put "\n{+$_} odd squares from {$max / 10} to $max:\n{ .batch(10).join: "\n" }"
given ({(2 × $++ + 1)²} … * > $max).grep: $max / 10 ≤ * ≤ $max
2 odd squares from 1 to 10:
1 9
3 odd squares from 10 to 100:
25 49 81
11 odd squares from 100 to 1000:
121 169 225 289 361 441 529 625 729 841
34 odd squares from 1000 to 10000:
1089 1225 1369 1521 1681 1849 2025 2209 2401 2601
2809 3025 3249 3481 3721 3969 4225 4489 4761 5041
5329 5625 5929 6241 6561 6889 7225 7569 7921 8281
8649 9025 9409 9801
108 odd squares from 10000 to 100000:
10201 10609 11025 11449 11881 12321 12769 13225 13689 14161
14641 15129 15625 16129 16641 17161 17689 18225 18769 19321
19881 20449 21025 21609 22201 22801 23409 24025 24649 25281
25921 26569 27225 27889 28561 29241 29929 30625 31329 32041
32761 33489 34225 34969 35721 36481 37249 38025 38809 39601
40401 41209 42025 42849 43681 44521 45369 46225 47089 47961
48841 49729 50625 51529 52441 53361 54289 55225 56169 57121
58081 59049 60025 61009 62001 63001 64009 65025 66049 67081
68121 69169 70225 71289 72361 73441 74529 75625 76729 77841
78961 80089 81225 82369 83521 84681 85849 87025 88209 89401
90601 91809 93025 94249 95481 96721 97969 99225
Last updated
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