With the module Math::Primesieve, this runs in about 1/3 the time vs the built in prime generator.
use Math::Primesieve;my $sieve = Math::Primesieve.new;my @primes = $sieve.primes(10_000_000);subprimorial($n) { [*] @primes[^$n] }say"First ten primorials: {(primorial $_ for ^10)}";say"primorial(10^$_) has {primorial(10**$_).chars} digits"for 1..5;
First ten primorials: 1 2 6 30 210 2310 30030 510510 9699690 223092870
primorial(10^1) has 10 digits
primorial(10^2) has 220 digits
primorial(10^3) has 3393 digits
primorial(10^4) has 45337 digits
primorial(10^5) has 563921 digits
Imported library
For a real speed boost, load the Perl 5 ntheory library.