Galton box animation
my $row-count = 6;
constant $peg = "*";
constant @coin-icons = "\c[UPPER HALF BLOCK]", "\c[LOWER HALF BLOCK]";
sub display-board(@positions, @stats is copy, $halfstep) {
my $coin = @coin-icons[$halfstep.Int];
state @board-tmpl = {
# precompute a board
my @tmpl;
sub out(*@stuff) {
@tmpl.push: $[@stuff.join>>.ords.flat];
# three lines of space above
for 1..3 {
out " ", " " x (2 * $row-count);
# $row-count lines of pegs
for flat ($row-count...1) Z (1...$row-count) -> $spaces, $pegs {
out " ", " " x $spaces, ($peg xx $pegs).join(" "), " " x $spaces;
# four lines of space below
for 1..4 {
out " ", " " x (2 * $row-count);
my $midpos = $row-count + 2;
my @output;
# collect all the output and output it all at once at the end
sub say(Str $foo) {
@output.push: $foo, "\n";
sub print(Str $foo) {
@output.push: $foo;
# make some space above the picture
say "" for ^10;
my @output-lines = map { [ @$_ ] }, @board-tmpl;
# place the coins
for @positions.kv -> $line, $pos {
next unless $pos.defined;
@output-lines[$line][$pos + $midpos] = $coin.ord;
# output the board with its coins
for @output-lines -> @line {
say @line.chrs;
# show the statistics
my $padding = 0;
while any(@stats) > 0 {
print " ";
@stats = do for @stats -> $stat {
given $stat {
when 1 {
print "\c[UPPER HALF BLOCK]";
$stat - 1;
when * <= 0 {
print " ";
default {
print "\c[FULL BLOCK]";
$stat - 2;
say "";
say "" for $padding...^10;
say @output.join("");
sub simulate($coins is copy) {
my $alive = True;
sub hits-peg($x, $y) {
if 3 <= $y < 3 + $row-count and -($y - 2) <= $x <= $y - 2 {
return not ($x - $y) %% 2;
return False;
my @coins = Int xx (3 + $row-count + 4);
my @stats = 0 xx ($row-count * 2);
# this line will dispense coins until turned off.
@coins[0] = 0;
while $alive {
$alive = False;
# if a coin falls through the bottom, count it
given @coins[*-1] {
when *.defined {
@stats[$_ + $row-count]++;
# move every coin down one row
for ( 3 + $row-count + 3 )...1 -> $line {
my $coinpos = @coins[$line - 1];
@coins[$line] = do if not $coinpos.defined {
} elsif hits-peg($coinpos, $line) {
# when a coin from above hits a peg, it will bounce to either side.
$alive = True;
($coinpos - 1, $coinpos + 1).pick;
} else {
# if there was a coin above, it will fall to this position.
$alive = True;
# let the coin dispenser blink and turn it off if we run out of coins
if @coins[0].defined {
@coins[0] = Nil
} elsif --$coins > 0 {
@coins[0] = 0
# smooth out the two halfsteps of the animation
my $start-time;
ENTER { $start-time = now }
my $wait-time = now - $start-time;
sleep 0.1 - $wait-time if $wait-time < 0.1;
for @coin-icons.keys {
sleep $wait-time max 0.1;
display-board(@coins, @stats, $_);
sub MAIN($coins = 20, $peg-lines = 6) {
$row-count = $peg-lines;
Last updated
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