ASCII art diagram converter
grammar RFC1025 {
rule TOP { <.line-separator> [<line> <.line-separator>]+ }
rule line-separator { <.ws> '+--'+ '+' }
token line { <.ws> '|' +%% <field> }
token field { \s* <label> \s* }
token label { \w+[\s+\w+]* }
sub bits ($item) { ($item.chars + 1) div 3 }
sub deconstruct ($bits, %struct) {
map { $bits.substr(.<from>, .<bits>) }, @(%struct<fields>);
sub interpret ($header) {
my $datagram = RFC1025.parse($header);
my %struct;
for $datagram.<line> -> $line {
FIRST %struct<line-width> = $line.&bits;
state $from = 0;
%struct<fields>.push: %(:bits(.&bits), :ID(.<label>.Str), :from($from.clone), :to(($from+=.&bits)-1))
for $line<field>;
use experimental :pack;
my $diagram = q:to/END/;
| ID |
|QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
my %structure = interpret($diagram);
say 'Line width: ', %structure<line-width>, ' bits';
printf("Name: %7s, bit count: %2d, bit %2d to bit %2d\n", .<ID>, .<bits>, .<from>, .<to>) for @(%structure<fields>);
say "\nGenerate a random 12 byte \"header\"";
say my $buf =^0xFF .roll) xx 12);
say "\nShow it converted to a bit string";
say my $bitstr = $buf.unpack('C*')».fmt("%08b").join;
say "\nAnd unpack it";
printf("%7s, %02d bits: %s\n", %structure<fields>[$_]<ID>, %structure<fields>[$_]<bits>,
deconstruct($bitstr, %structure)[$_]) for ^@(%structure<fields>);
Line width: 16 bits
Name: ID, bit count: 16, bit 0 to bit 15
Name: QR, bit count: 1, bit 16 to bit 16
Name: Opcode, bit count: 4, bit 17 to bit 20
Name: AA, bit count: 1, bit 21 to bit 21
Name: TC, bit count: 1, bit 22 to bit 22
Name: RD, bit count: 1, bit 23 to bit 23
Name: RA, bit count: 1, bit 24 to bit 24
Name: Z, bit count: 3, bit 25 to bit 27
Name: RCODE, bit count: 4, bit 28 to bit 31
Name: QDCOUNT, bit count: 16, bit 32 to bit 47
Name: ANCOUNT, bit count: 16, bit 48 to bit 63
Name: NSCOUNT, bit count: 16, bit 64 to bit 79
Name: ARCOUNT, bit count: 16, bit 80 to bit 95
Generate a random 12 byte "header"
Buf:0x<78 47 7b bf 54 96 e1 2e 1b f1 69 a4>
Show it converted to a bit string
And unpack it
ID, 16 bits: 0111100001000111
QR, 01 bits: 0
Opcode, 04 bits: 1111
AA, 01 bits: 0
TC, 01 bits: 1
RD, 01 bits: 1
RA, 01 bits: 1
Z, 03 bits: 011
RCODE, 04 bits: 1111
QDCOUNT, 16 bits: 0101010010010110
ANCOUNT, 16 bits: 1110000100101110
NSCOUNT, 16 bits: 0001101111110001
ARCOUNT, 16 bits: 0110100110100100
Last updated
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