Bifid cipher

Technically incorrect as the third part doesn't "Convert ... to upper case and ignore spaces".

sub polybius ($text) {
    my $n = $text.chars.sqrt.narrow;
    $ { $^v => ($^k % $n, $k div $n).join: ' ' }

sub encrypt ($message, %poly) {
    %poly.invert.hash{(flat reverse [Z] %poly{$message.comb}».words).batch(2)».reverse».join: ' '}.join

sub decrypt ($message, %poly) {
   %poly.invert.hash{reverse [Z] (reverse flat %poly{$message.comb}».words».reverse).batch($message.chars)}.join

    (flat '_', '.', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', 0..9).pick(*).join, 'The invasion will start on the first of January 2023.'.subst(/' '/, '_', :g)
 -> $polybius, $message {
    my %polybius = polybius $polybius;
    say "\nUsing polybius:\n\t" ~ $polybius.comb.batch($polybius.chars.sqrt.narrow).join: "\n\t";
    say "\n  Message : $message";
    say "Encrypted : " ~ my $encrypted = encrypt $message, %polybius;
    say "Decrypted : " ~ decrypt $encrypted, %polybius;


Using polybius:
        A B C D E
        F G H I K
        L M N O P
        Q R S T U
        V W X Y Z


Using polybius:
        B G W K Z
        Q P N D S
        I O A X E
        F C L U M
        T H Y V R

  Message : FLEEATONCE
Encrypted : UAEOLWRINS
Decrypted : FLEEATONCE

Using polybius:
        H c F T N 5 f i
        _ U k R B Z V W
        3 G e v s w j x
        q S 2 8 y Q . O
        m 0 E d h D r u
        M p 7 Y 4 A 9 a
        t X l I 6 g b z
        J P n 1 K L C o

  Message : The_invasion_will_start_on_the_first_of_January_2023.
Encrypted : NGiw3okfXj4XoVE_NjWcLK4Sy28EivKo3aeNiti3N3z6HCHno6Fkf
Decrypted : The_invasion_will_start_on_the_first_of_January_2023.

Last updated

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