Koch curve
Koch curve, actually a full Koch snowflake.
use SVG;
role Lindenmayer {
has %.rules;
method succ {
self.comb.map( { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules)
my $flake = 'F--F--F' but Lindenmayer( { F => 'F+F--F+F' } );
$flake++ xx 5;
my @points = (50, 440);
for $flake.comb -> $v {
state ($x, $y) = @points[0,1];
state $d = 2 + 0i;
with $v {
when 'F' { @points.append: ($x += $d.re).round(.01), ($y += $d.im).round(.01) }
when '+' { $d *= .5 + .8660254i }
when '-' { $d *= .5 - .8660254i }
say SVG.serialize(
svg => [
width => 600, height => 600, style => 'stroke:rgb(0,0,255)',
:rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<white>],
:polyline[ points => @points.join(','), :fill<white> ],
See: Koch snowflake
Variation using 90° angles:
use SVG;
role Lindenmayer {
has %.rules;
method succ {
self.comb.map( { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules)
my $koch = 'F' but Lindenmayer( { F => 'F+F-F-F+F', } );
$koch++ xx 4;
my @points = (450, 250);
for $koch.comb -> $v {
state ($x, $y) = @points[0,1];
state $d = -5 - 0i;
with $v {
when 'F' { @points.append: ($x += $d.re).round(.01), ($y += $d.im).round(.01) }
when /< + - >/ { $d *= "{$v}1i" }
say SVG.serialize(
svg => [
width => 500, height => 300, style => 'stroke:rgb(0,0,255)',
:rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<white>],
:polyline[ points => @points.join(','), :fill<white> ],
Last updated
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