Binary strings
# string creation
var x = "hello world"
# string destruction
x = nil
# string assignment with a null byte
x = "a\0b"
say x.length # ==> 3
# string comparison
if (x == "hello") {
say "equal"
} else {
say "not equal"
var y = 'bc'
if (x < y) {
say "#{x} is lexicographically less than #{y}"
# string cloning
var xx = x.clone
say (x == xx) # true, same length and content
say (x.refaddr == xx.refaddr) # false, different objects
# check if empty
if (x.is_empty) {
say "is empty"
# append a byte
x += "\07"
say x.dump #=> "a\0b\a"
# substring
say x.substr(0, -1).dump #=> "a\0b"
# replace bytes
say "hello world".tr("l", "L")
# join strings
var a = "hel"
var b = "lo w"
var c = "orld"
var d = (a + b + c)
say d
not equal
ab is lexicographically less than bc
heLLo worLd
hello world
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