Define a primitive data type
subset Integer < Number { .is_int }
subset MyIntLimit < Integer { . ~~ (1 .. 10) }
class MyInt(value < MyIntLimit) {
method to_s { value.to_s }
method get_value { value.get_value }
method ==(Number x) { value == x }
method ==(MyInt x) { value == x.value }
method AUTOLOAD(_, name, *args) {
var results = [value.(name)( {|n| Number(n) }...)]{|r| r.kind_of(Number) ? MyInt( : r}...
## Example:
var a = MyInt(2) # creates a new object of type `MyInt`
a += 7 # adds 7 to a
say a # => 9
say a/2 # => 4
var b = (a - 3) # b is of type `MyInt`
say b # => 6
say a.as_hex.dump # => "9" -- an hexadecimal string
a -= 6 # a=3
var c = (a + b) # MyInt(3) + MyInt(6)
say c # => 9
say c.class # => MyInt
a *= 2 # a=6
say a+b # error: class `MyInt` does not match MyInt(12)
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