Cullen and Woodall numbers

func cullen(n)  { n * (1 << n) + 1 }
func woodall(n) { n * (1 << n) - 1 }
say "First 20 Cullen numbers:"
say' ')
say "\nFirst 20 Woodall numbers:"
say' ')
say "\nFirst 5 Cullen primes: (in terms of n)"
say { cullen(_).is_prime }.join(' ')
say "\nFirst 12 Woodall primes: (in terms of n)"
say { woodall(_).is_prime }.join(' ')


First 20 Cullen numbers:
3 9 25 65 161 385 897 2049 4609 10241 22529 49153 106497 229377 491521 1048577 2228225 4718593 9961473 20971521

First 20 Woodall numbers:
1 7 23 63 159 383 895 2047 4607 10239 22527 49151 106495 229375 491519 1048575 2228223 4718591 9961471 20971519

First 5 Cullen primes: (in terms of n)
1 141 4713 5795 6611

First 12 Woodall primes: (in terms of n)
2 3 6 30 75 81 115 123 249 362 384 462

Last updated

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