Abstraction on a file descriptor, to interact with the content of a file.
var a = File("existing_file.txt").open_r # open file for reading
var b = File("new_file.txt").open_w # open file for writing
Some useful methods on FileHandle objects:
fh.autoflush(bool) # enable/disable auto-flush mode
fh.binmode(encoding) # set encoding
fh.line # read one line as a String
fh.slurp # read the entire file as a String
fh.lines # read the entire file as an Array of String objects
fh.grep { ... } # collect only the lines that match the block
fh.grep(/regex/) # collect only the lines that match the regex
fh.each { ... } # iterate over each line
fh.eof # true when at the end of the file
fh.tell # current position in the file
fh.seek(pos,whence) # jump to this position in the file
fh.lock # lock the filehandle
fh.unlock # unlock the filehandle
fh.say(str) # write a string into the file (appending "\n")
fh.print(str) # write a string into the file (without appending "\n")
fh.close # close the filehandle
The special FileHandle type can be for checking if a given object is really a FileHandle object:
fh.kind_of(FileHandle) # true if `fh` is a FileHandle object
The file object to which a FileHandle refers, if any, can be obtained with fh.file, which may be nil or a File object.