Sylvester's sequence
func sylvester_sequence(n) {
1..n -> reduce({|a| a*(a-1) + 1 }, 2)
say "First 10 terms in Sylvester's sequence:"
10.of(sylvester_sequence).each_kv{|k,v| '%2s: %s' % (k,v) -> say }
say "\nSum of reciprocals of first 10 terms: "
say 10.of(sylvester_sequence).sum {|n| 1/n }.as_dec(230)
First 10 terms in Sylvester's sequence:
0: 2
1: 3
2: 7
3: 43
4: 1807
5: 3263443
6: 10650056950807
7: 113423713055421844361000443
8: 12864938683278671740537145998360961546653259485195807
9: 165506647324519964198468195444439180017513152706377497841851388766535868639572406808911988131737645185443
Sum of reciprocals of first 10 terms:
Last updated
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