Padovan n-step number sequencesPalindrome datesPalindrome detectionPalindrome pairsPalindromic gapful numbersPalindromic primesPalindromic primes in base 16Pandigital primePangram checkerParallel brute forceParallel calculationsParsingPartial function applicationPartition an integer x into n primesPartition function PPascal's trianglePascal matrix generationPathological floating point problemsPeano curvePell's equationPell numbersPenrose tilingPentagramPercentage difference between imagesPercolationPerfect numbersPerfect shufflePerfect totient numbersPerlin noisePermutation testPermutationsPermutations by swappingPermutations with repetitionsPermutations with some identical elementsPernicious numbersPhrase reversalsPiPick random elementPierpont primesPig the dice gamePiprimesPisano periodPlasma effectPlayfair cipherPlaying cardsPlot coordinate pairsPointers and referencesPolymorphic copyPolymorphismPolynomial derivativePolynomial long divisionPolynomial regressionPolynomial synthetic divisionPopulation countPositive decimal integers with the digit 1 occurring exactly twicePower setPowerful numbersPractical numbersPrice fractionPrimality by trial divisionPrimality by Wilson's theoremPrime conspiracyPrime decompositionPrime numbers p for which the sum of primes less than or equal to p is primePrime numbers which contain 123Prime numbers whose neighboring pairs are tetraprimesPrime reciprocal sumPrime tripletsPrimes - allocate descendants to their ancestorsPrimes n*2 m 1Primes which contain only one odd digitPrimes whose first and last number is 3Primes whose sum of digits is 25Primes with digits in nondecreasing orderPrimorial numbersPriority queueProbabilistic choiceProblem of ApolloniusProduct of divisorsProduct of min and max prime factorsProgram nameProgram terminationProper divisorsPseudo-random numbersPseudorandom number generator imagePythagoras treePythagorean quadruples