S-expressionsSafe and Sophie Germain primesSafe primes and unsafe primesSailors coconuts and a monkey problemSame fringeSattolo cycleScopeSearch a listSearch a list of recordsSecure temporary fileSEDOLsSelf-describing numbersSelf numbersSemiprimeSemordnilapSend an unknown method callSeparate the house number from the street nameSequence nth number with exactly n divisorsSequence of non-squaresSequence of primes by trial divisionSequence of primorial primesSequence smallest number greater than previous term with exactly n divisorsSequence smallest number with exactly n divisorsSetSet consolidationSeven-sided dice from five-sided diceSexy primesSHA-1SHA-256Shell one-linerShoelace formula for polygonal areaShort-circuit evaluationShortest common supersequenceShow the decimal value of a number of 1s appended with a 3 then squaredShow the epochSierpinski arrowhead curveSierpinski carpetSierpinski curveSierpinski pentagonSierpinski square curveSierpinski triangleSieve of EratosthenesSimple windowed applicationSimulated annealingSingletonSingly-linked listSleepSmallest numbersSmallest square that begins with nSmarandache-Wellin primesSmarandache prime-digital sequenceSmith numbersSnakeSocketsSolve triangle solitaire puzzleSort a list of object identifiersSort an array of composite structuresSort an integer arraySort disjoint sublistSort numbers lexicographicallySort primes from list to a listSort stabilitySort three variablesSort using a custom comparatorSorting algorithmsSoundexSparkline in unicodeSpecial divisorsSpecial factorialsSpecial neighbor primesSpeech synthesisSpelling of ordinal numbersSphenic numbersSpiral matrixSplit a character string based on change of characterSQL-based authenticationSquare-free integersSquare but not cubeSquare form factorizationStable marriage problemStackStair-climbing puzzleStandard deviationStatisticsStem-and-leaf plotStern-Brocot sequenceStirling numbers of the first kind