The Matrix built-in class (which is a child of the Array class), provides support for defining and working with matrices:
[1, 2],
[3, 4],
%m(1 2; 3 4)
A subset of Matrix operations are included in the following example:
var A = Matrix(
[2, -3, 1],
[1, -2, -2],
[3, -4, 1],
var B = Matrix(
[9, -3, -2],
[3, -1, 7],
[2, -4, -8],
say (A + B) # matrix addition
say (A - B) # matrix subtraction
say (A * B) # matrix multiplication
say (A / B) # matrix division
say (A + 42) # matrix-scalar addition
say (A - 42) # matrix-scalar subtraction
say (A * 42) # matrix-scalar multiplication
say (A / 42) # matrix-scalar division
say A**20 # matrix exponentation
say A**-1 # matrix inverse: A^-1
say A**-2 # (A^2)^-1
say B.det # matrix determinant
say B.solve([1,2,3]) # solve a system of linear equations